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Writing by tag: productivity

GitHub Tip: using the involves filter

30 October 2023

When you work on a large team and are participating in many pull requests on GitHub, it can be difficult to keep track of everything you are working on. In addition to opening your own pull requests, you can be assigned to them, you can be requested as a reviewer, you can comment in discussion threads, and you can be mentioned by others. Each of these occurrences requires your attention — perhaps immediately, but always eventually.


Make your terminal tell you when it's done

22 February 2023

When working on large iOS apps, all the tasks you need to perform before you even get started writing code can begin to consume a lot of time. I’m talking about all the preparation that happens in your terminal — pulling the latest changes, bootstrapping the project, etc. During this wait, I usually take a moment to follow-up on emails or Slack messages. But the problem with that is I inevitably end up getting pulled deeper into those tasks and forget to return to the terminal, open Xcode, and start working.


Migrating OmniFocus to a new Mac

31 March 2021

One aspect of using OmniFocus involves maintaining an archive of your data (if you choose). Over time — think years of using OmniFocus as your main task management tool — your local database of projects and tasks will grow very large, because OmniFocus keeps a record of everything you have completed or dropped. You can think of it as archiving your emails instead of putting them in the trash.
