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Writing by tag: omnifocus

Migrating OmniFocus to a new Mac

31 March 2021

One aspect of using OmniFocus involves maintaining an archive of your data (if you choose). Over time — think years of using OmniFocus as your main task management tool — your local database of projects and tasks will grow very large, because OmniFocus keeps a record of everything you have completed or dropped. You can think of it as archiving your emails instead of putting them in the trash.


AppleScript to export open Safari tabs to OmniFocus

14 January 2020

I love OmniFocus. It is an indispensable app for me and a great Mac app. For managing and organizing to-do lists and personal projects, there is nothing better. Being a great Mac app means adopting behaviors that users expect, conforming to macOS UI/UX paradigms, and for the truly great mac apps it means being scriptable. I want to share two AppleScripts that I wrote for OmniFocus to automate one of my common workflows.
