Fix: eventmachine gem failed to build on macOS Ventura with Ruby 2.7.6
18 January 2023
After upgrading to macOS Ventura, I decided to upgrade my Ruby version and ran into issues trying to build my site locally.
turing complete with a stack of 0xdeadbeef
After upgrading to macOS Ventura, I decided to upgrade my Ruby version and ran into issues trying to build my site locally.
When GitHub actions first launched, the recommended way to cache your Bundler dependencies was to use GitHub’s cache action. However, that is no longer the case. You should be using the Ruby team’s setup-ruby action instead.
Part of the joy of having a ‘bare bones’ DIY host is that sometimes you have to figure shit out on your own. I am not a great web developer, nor a Ruby expert. But, I learn more each time something breaks — you know, Type II fun. Most recently, I came to understand and fix a new error on my web server: env: ruby26: No such file or directory