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Writing by tag: bitrise

Using fastlane to increment version numbers in xcconfig files

28 March 2022

If you are using fastlane to automate your release process, you might be using the increment_version_number and increment_build_number actions to bump your version and build numbers, respectively. However, if your Xcode project is configured to use xcconfig files, then you are out of luck. Shockingly, fastlane does not seem to support projects that use xcconfig files and there is a surprising dearth of information online about how to make fastlane work with Xcode build configuration files.


Useful Danger rules for Bitrise

20 December 2020

This is a quick follow-up to my previous post. The client project I’m working on is also using Bitrise for CI, which I must say is quite good. If you are looking for a hosted CI service I would highly recommend checking them out.
