In JavaScript, this pattern is called an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) or a Self-Executing Anonymous Function. Swift doesn’t have an “official” name for this, but IIFE works as well as “immediately executed anonymous closure” or “self-executing anonymous closure”. (Thanks to folks on Twitter for helping with this.)

Most Swift developers have seen and used this now-common approach to initialize properties for a type:

class MyClass {

    let dateFormatter: DateFormatter = {
        let df = DateFormatter()
        df.timeStyle = .medium
        df.dateStyle = .long
        return df

    // other members here...

It is a convenient and concise pattern that helps organize your code. This approach is especially popular when working with UIKit and defining custom views. It simplifies type initializers and is generally easy to read. Recently, I was using this approach and discovered a bug in my code, some very unexpected behavior in Swift, and maybe a bug in Swift.

I was building a typical table view which contained cells that had a button subview. Tapping the entire cell and tapping the button within the cell performed different actions. You have probably built something similar before. Here is simplified sample code to illustrate:

class MyTableCell: UITableViewCell {

    let button: UIButton = {
        let button = UIButton()
        button.setTitle("Title", for: .normal)
        button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(didTapButton(_:)), for: .touchUpInside)
        return button

    override init(style: UITableViewCell.CellStyle, reuseIdentifier: String?) {
        super.init(style: style, reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier)
        // add constraints, other setup, etc ...

    func didTapButton(_ sender: UIButton) {
        // do something

I was building such a routine, mundane feature that I completed a large portion of the code before even running and testing it. I’ve written code like this thousands of times. So, you can imagine my surprise when the button inside the cell was not triggering the action. Tapping the button did nothing, but everything else seemed to work as expected. There’s a bug in that code above. Can you find it? I scoured line after line, trying to find what I missed. What I had overlooked out of habit?

The problem was the call to addTarget(_:, action:, for:). Moving this line to the initializer fixed the issue, and everything worked as expected.

override init(style: UITableViewCell.CellStyle, reuseIdentifier: String?) {
    super.init(style: style, reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier)

    // fix: add target/action here
    self.button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(didTapButton(_:)), for: .touchUpInside)

    // add constraints, other setup, etc ...

Upon discovering what the problem was, it was now time to ask why. My initial intuition was the following:

  1. The button is a stored constant property that gets initialized immediately via a self-executing anonymous closure
  2. Swift’s initialization rules mean that stored properties (with values, like this one) must be initialized before the type that owns them
  3. Thus, at the time that button is initialized (when the closure is executed), self must be nil
  4. The method addTarget(_:, action:, for:) accepts Any? for the target parameter, so passing nil would be ok
  5. Conclusion: self was just nil the whole time! What a goofy mistake!

However, that was not the case. Specifically, self was not nil. Not only that, but self wasn’t the self I expected. Looking at this snippet, can you determine what type self is and why?

class MyTableCell: UITableViewCell {

    let button: UIButton = {
        let button = UIButton()
        button.setTitle("Title", for: .normal)

        // what is self?
        button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(didTapButton(_:)), for: .touchUpInside)

        return button

I paused execution in the debugger to check if po self printed nil. Instead, it printed (Function). In Swift, closures are first-class reference types. Thus, I concluded that self is referring to the closure, which is the type () -> UIButton. Right? Actually… no.

Continuing the investigation, I printed type(of: self) which returned (MyTableCell) -> () -> MyTableCell. What?! This is a closure that receives a MyTableCell instance and returns a closure with the type () -> MyTableCell, which accepts nothing and returns a MyTableCell. I do not understand why this is the case.

I think most devs would share my initial intuition that self refers to MyTableCell here, because that is true in other patterns that look similar to this one, like computed properties. Despite this, once realizing that self is a function, I think most devs would also intuit that the type must be () -> UIButton.

This raises some interesting questions.

First, I realize that the #selector construct, which was introduced by SE-0022, has limited abilities. As mentioned in the “Alternatives considered” section of the proposal, #selector is not type-safe. However, it is capable of determining if a selector is in scope. If you attempt to pass a selector from another class, the compiler will provide a warning. For example, considering the following:

class OuterClass {
    func button() -> UIButton {
        let button = UIButton()
        button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(didTapButton(_:)), for: .touchUpInside)
        return button

    class InnerClass {
        func didTapButton(_ sender: UIButton) {
            // do something

This produces the expected error: Cannot find 'didTapButton' in scope. It is not clear to me how this is distinct from the MyTableCell example regarding the scope of the selector. How is didTapButton(_:) in scope for self if self is not an instance of MyTableCell? Is this a bug with #selector?

Update 23 December 2020

This is not entirely accurate. You could write #selector(InnerClass.didTapButton(_:)), which successfully compiles and is consistent with SE-0022.

Second, why is self an instance of (MyTableCell) -> () -> MyTableCell and not () -> UIButton? Is this a bug in Swift?

I’m hoping someone can answer these two questions and explain what is happening. If so, I’ll update this post!

In any case, referencing self in self-executing anonymous closures for stored properties should be discouraged, or avoided entirely! That self is perhaps not the self you might have been expecting. Watch yourself.

Update 22 December 2020

If you declare button as lazy var instead of let, then the expected behavior occurs. That is, self is an instance of MyTableCell within the self-executing anonymous closure and the call to addTarget(_:, action:, for:) works. (Thanks @Geri_Borbas.) Also noteworthy, in this situation the initializer for MyTableCell gets called before the button closure is executed. However, this makes the situation more confusing — using let versus lazy var produces significantly different behavior that is not intuitive at all.

The type (MyTableCell) -> () -> MyTableCell appears to refer to the initializer for MyTableCell. (Thanks @eneko.) No, this is not the case.

Update 23 December 2020

Thanks to @elliottwil and Noah Gilmore for uncovering and investigating the true underlying issues here. (Nerd sniped. 😄) The type of self resolving to (MyTableCell) -> () -> MyTableCell is the unfortunate result of the NSObject instance method -[NSObject self] and Swift’s curried functions. (Note that SE-0002 removed currying func declaration syntax but did not change the semantics of methods.)

Update continued below.

There are multiple layers of confusion here. Let’s peel back each one. First, let’s revisit the problematic code:

class MyTableCell: UITableViewCell {
    let button: UIButton = {
        let button = UIButton()

        // what is self?
        button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(didTapButton(_:)), for: .touchUpInside)

        print(type(of: self)) // (MyTableCell) -> () -> MyTableCell

        return button

We know that self is of type (MyTableCell) -> () -> MyTableCell because of the -[NSObject self] instance method. And this satisfies the (lack of) type constraints on the target parameter, Any?. This answers the question: why is self an instance of (MyTableCell) -> () -> MyTableCell and not () -> UIButton? We can verify by printing to the console:

print(type(of: NSObject.`self`)) // prints (NSObject) -> () -> NSObject

Note that NSObject.self (without the backticks) refers to the metatype type NSObject, not the instance method -(instancetype)self. Thus, the expression type(of: NSObject.self) returns NSObject.Type. Because self is a reserved keyword, we must write it with backticks to reference the correct “self”. (You may have seen this before if you have ever tried to define an enum case called “default”.)

We can make this explicit in the code:

class MyTableCell: UITableViewCell {
    let button: UIButton = {
        let button = UIButton()

        // use `self`
        button.addTarget(`self`, action: #selector(didTapButton(_:)), for: .touchUpInside)

        print(type(of: `self`)) // (MyTableCell) -> () -> MyTableCell

        return button

Then we can make it even more explicit:

// Xcode's documentation popup correctly refers to the declaration let `self`: MyTableCell
print(type(of: MyTableCell.`self`)) // let `self`: MyTableCell

With this change, we can see that this is clearly wrong. Additionally, Xcode will syntax highlight “self” differently depending on if there are backticks or not.

Next, which is now obvious, this only happens with classes that inherit from NSObject. Because I was using UITableViewCell, this was not something I considered at first. As an example, the following code will produce an error:

class MyClass {
    let str: String = {
        print(self) // <-- Cannot find 'self' in scope
        return "String"

Now we can attempt to answer my two remaining questions.

Is this a bug with #selector? No. This is the expected behavior of #selector as described in SE-0022. We could have written #selector(Self.didTapButton(_:)) instead, which is equivalent to #selector(MyTableCell.didTapButton(_:)). The #selector expression is not capable of checking itself against the target parameter.

Is this a bug in Swift? In my opinion, yes. I think the correct behavior would be that using self without backticks always references the enclosing type (which happens when using lazy var, as mentioned above) and using `self` with backticks references -[NSObject self] (which you almost never want). The fact that Xcode correctly syntax highlights each of these indicates that the correct information exists somewhere.

class MyTableCell: UITableViewCell {
    let button: UIButton = {

        print(type(of: self)) // Bug: should be MyTableCell. Instead, same as `self` below.

        print(type(of: `self`)) // (MyTableCell) -> () -> MyTableCell

        return UIButton()

In other words, these two expressions are distinct in this context:

// refers to instance of MyTableCell

// refers to func `self`() -> Self

Yet, the Swift compiler treats them both as func `self`() -> Self.

However, there is one last problem. Correcting the expression self (without backticks) to reference the enclosing type introduces another interesting question: what should be order of operations during initialization? When using let, the property is initialized before the enclosing type. When using lazy var, the property is initialized after the enclosing type. I am not a compiler expert, so I will not attempt to answer which is better. But if initialization order cannot be changed in the compiler to fix this, then I think the expected behavior would be to produce the same error as non-NSObject classes: “Cannot find ‘self’ in scope”.

Update 24 December 2020

This bug is being tracked at SR-4559 and SR-4865 (duplicate). Thanks to Nolan Waite for sharing.

Update 05 November 2021

As of September 2021, SR-4559 has been marked as resolved. The pull request is here and according to the description the fix is to emit a warning indicating that the self reference is likely not the one you intended.

The fix is not yet included in Xcode 13.1 (13A1030d), nor Xcode 13.2 beta (13C5066c). However, the latest release of SwiftLint includes a new rule (self_in_property_initialization) to emit a warning for this exact issue.

Update 02 March 2022

Good news! As of Xcode 13.3 beta, which includes Swift 5.6, the compiler now emits a warning for this issue.