As you may know, I spoke at FrenchKit a couple of months ago. The organizers have been working hard to get all of the videos edited and uploaded, and my talk is now available here. 😄
Slides and code
As usual, you can find my slides on Speaker Deck and the code on GitHub. A few weeks ago I also wrote a post, Understanding Swift Evolution, that explains the project and results in more detail.
Swift 3.0 was an exciting release that dramatically changed the language. It was the first major release cycle that was started and finished in the open. With tremendous feedback from the open source community, the language was refined through the Swift Evolution process with 140 proposals! It’s easy to get lost in all the changes. This talk presents an analysis of all the proposals — exploring statistics on metadata and more, and examining why and how we arrived where we are today, and whether or not we’re better off.

Watch video on YouTube